Many ways to add view of youtube on your videos, but not at all providing "free" and also they only providing ratio 1:10 this is make we take time and long time to reach our purpose. As i have been trying adding view of youtube, and as i know ratio is 1:1, actually i dont want to say lie or promises, so better you try by self and proof that is work! and you just click "Register Here!"
Click "Register Here"then:
1. Register
2. Surf for get free Credits
3. Input your ID Video on youtube if your credits reach 250 you can see on Control Panel
Here you can add more ID youtube if you have been reaching multiple 250 credits, for further you can adding more credits for video which you already registered and that video not expired on their list, also you have still a few credits on that video lists.. If they say "expired? you can add your video ID again. good luck!
Example of my Video Which I registered:
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