

amazing onions get away flu

In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu... Many of the farmers and their families had contracted it and many died.

Ujian dan Musibah Tanda Allah Cinta

Inilah yang patut dipahami setiap insan beriman. Bahwa cobaan kadang dapat meninggikan derajat seorang muslim di sisi Allah dan tanda bahwa Allah semakin menyayangi dirinya. Dan semakin tinggi kualitas imannya, semakin berat pula ujiannya.

Faktor-Faktor Yang Memudahkan Shalat Tahajjud

Sesungguhnya melakukan shalat Tahajjud dan mengekang dorongan hawa nafsu dan syaitan, adalah sesuatu yang teramat berat dan sulit kecuali bagi orang yang dimudahkan dan ditolong oleh Allah. Ada beberapa faktor yang bisa membantu dan memotivasi seseorang untuk melakukan shalat Tahajjud serta memudahkannya dengan izin Allah. Faktor ini terbagi dua bagian; sarana lahir dan sarana batin.

benefit of Al-Kahf

It is recommended to recite Surat al-Kahf completely the night before Friday, and it is also recommended to do so Friday itself, before Maghrib time. Ibn Abidin said, �And it is best to do so early on Friday, in order to rush to the good and to avoid forgetting. � [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, �Bab al-Jumu`ah�]


my fav

Friday, January 21, 2011

practise sunnah daily

beside we do wajib we also suggests for do sunnah
every namaz/ salah we recite:
* 100 times istighfar
* ayah kursiy
* 3x al ikhlas
* 11x Allahumma yaa fattahu yaa razaqqu hawwil hawwil haalanaa ilaa ahsanil haal
*20x La hawla wala quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adzim ( for avoid calamity)
* 11 xSubhanallahi walhamdulillah walaa ilahailallahu wallahu akbar
* 11x sholawat ( Allahumma shalli ala sayyidina muhammad wa ala ali sayyidina muhammad)
* 20 x subhanallahi wabihamdihi subhanallahil adzim ( delete sins even much as sea)
* 11 x Laa ilahailallahu wahdahula syarikalah lahul mulku walahul hamdu yuhyi wayumiit wa huwa hayyun laa yammut biyadihil khair wahuwa ala kulli syai'in qodir ( recite once will reward 1 million goodness, delete 1 million mistakes)

DO offer sunnah qabliyah( before salah) 2 rakaat before fajr,dzuhur,isha and after salah do offer sunnah ba'diyah 2 rakaat after dzuhur, maghrib and isha

recite Al-waqiah every ashar or Fajr
recite subhanallahi wabihamdihi subhanallahil adzim 100x after ashar

after maghrib recite surah yasiin
after isha recite ar rahman

recite try at least 300x for La hawla wala quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adzim daily

after isha wake up for tahajjud ( i know there is so difficult cold i can understand) but more reward if u do :)

try fasting sunnah every monday and thursday
do sadaqah as u can
do these all at least 40 days for ur wishes, but be patient do more 40 days if ALLAH not yet grant it, be patient in ibadah is better and Allah see that

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